Ben Bowler

Digital Nomad Anxiety – Ben Around the World Diary – Day 104 – 10 April 2019


– ODO- 13159 – 13198km
– Location- Pokhara, Nepal
– Weather- 18-19 Overcast with showers

The feeling of coming inside after camping out for several weeks is luxurious. I start by starting a podcast on my phone, laying out my bags and dismantling all of my kit into piles on the floor. One pile for the kitchen to be washed. One for the washing machine. One for repair.

All the kit I don’t use on the road comes right out. My trousers and shirt, my running shoes and my laptop. Oh my laptop. To be connected to the internet again. Just to watch YouTube is such a luxury. While cycling I often settled to sleep shortly after the sun sets. With the light of my laptop screen I stay up long into the night.

A friend asked me recently if I get nervous before setting out on a 1000km trip. Cycling new terrain. Untraveled roads. Into new countries and new problems to overcome. Being forced to think about it I realised that since Bulgaria, 8 months ago, I’ve not felt anxiety about leaving on the bike. I feel it more when coming to a stop. Finding an apartment is brilliant with AirBnB but will the internet connection be strong enough to speak to clients? (In Pokhara the answer is no and I’m about to go out hunting for a long ethernet cable). Will there be enough, or too much work for me to do in my time here before the expiry on my visa loomes near? For now I’m not as settled as a digital nomad as I am as an adventure traveler. I hope the two will meet in the middle somewhere.