- ODO 3517km
- Location Just outside Kirkkavak
- Weather 22-34 Cooler at Altitude
Today was the first day I felt like I didn’t want to continue. Things just weren’t fun anymore. I sipped my Dyraleaf mixture and pushed my bike to the road. My saddle sore pressed painfully against the leather of my seat. Throughout the day I couldn’t get the appetite to eat as much as I needed to sustain the ride. The terrain was relentlessly climbing. While it was cooler in the morning at this altitude the heat built over the day. The villages were small and poor. No more chai and lunches laid out out on arrival. Only the local women returning a blank gaze as I waved my way through the town. Hunting down water. Along the side of the road there were regular fountains but I couldn’t work out which were for humans and which for animals. Most of the day I took what I could get from the small, undersupplied shops.
Mid-afternoon my exhaustion hit its peak. After eating an early something then having nothing at all at lunchtime I collapsed in the soft pine needles under a tree. I’d passed a train station and had already thought about taking it. At this rate I was going to be several days late in arriving to Oludeniz but all I could think about was feeling better.