Ben Around the World Diary – 4th June 2018

Ben Around the World Diary – 4th June 2018

  • ODO 2179km
  • Location Serbia
  • Weather 22-33℃ Hot
  • Feelings Happy after a day of friendly encounters

After a couple of days in Croatia I realised that standing still is better than walking to keep mosquitoes off you. The problem with walking is you attract new followers and kick up others from the grass until you have have the whole districts mozzies on your tail.

Over the course of my day I’ve had friendly encounter after friendly encounter. From a couple in white van pointing me in the right direction to chatting to locals outside the ubiquitous NTI supermarket. Most think I’m German. My greeting of Bolk gets me a long way.

Crossing the river Drava that I’d been following throughout the lowlands into Serbia the scene changed but the friendliness continued.

Every 10th car would give me Beeps of hello. I passed through communities with colourful shops and business and winding grids of streets. Very different to the lone farms and endless one street villages across the border.


Hi, my name is Ben and I’m a startup founder and adventurer. Highlights of my career include building three startups from zero to exit (, StreamOn and working on Aux) and cycling – halfway – around the world in 2018. Subscribe for updates, blog posts and videos on my startup life and adventure travels.
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