Ben Around the World Diary – 8th June 2018

  • ODO 2721km
  • Location Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Weather 21-35℃ Clear
  • Feelings Elated to finish the first leg


I woke to the sun rising over the same stunning view down 500m to Nis. What was a glinting carpet of lights last night was now covered in a thin layer of orange haze – an inversion, trapping the fumes from the diesel trucks and the soviet era cars in the valley.

Zastava Lada cars

For the next hour I decended with the road all to myself. The spectacular ridge of peaks showing themselves to the west. The smell of wild coriander and cultivated lavender hightebed each other sense.

Stirn but friendly men and women of Serbia

Crossing the Bulgarian border

Deciding to sprint to the finish of leg one

The rock and a hard place of cobbled medieval road or truck filled highway.

The sun was fully set as I ferried each pannier and finally my bike itself up to the flat on the 8th floor. Having a space for the first time in 3 weeks to wash my clothes, my cooking gear and myself was a relief. I also found that opening my laptop I became addicted. Staying up to 2am syncing blog posts and video footage from cameras and SD cards. Back to the drug of data.


I stay in Sofia for a few weeks to work, order new tires and fix up my broken front rack.

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