My Impressions Cycling Myanmar – Ben Around the World Diary – Day 128 – 14 June 2019

My Impressions Cycling Myanmar – Ben Around the World Diary – Day 128 – 14 June 2019

– ODO- 16234 – 16336km
– Location- The Forest 50km from the Mae Sot Border, Myanmar
– Weather- 26-29 Rainstorms with broken hazy sun.

It’s my last full day cycling in Myanmar. If I didn’t need to get from Kathmandu to Vientiane all I would know of Myanmar would be the countries international politics. Thanks to the bike I’ve ridden through remote rainforested hills with vertical columns of rock. I’ve passed columns of shaved monks, some of school age, wearing deep red robes walking from village to village in bare feet on the tarmac to fill their bowls with offerings from the villagers. Smiling women on mopeds have faces painted with white patterns to protect from the sun. Men in longyi’s sleeping in the midday heat. Wooden houses sitting up on stilts from the snakes and scorpions in the grass. I’ve eaten simply and healthily, struggled through sunstroke and storms to make it across an entire country, culture and history I’m forever awakened too.


Hi, my name is Ben and I’m a startup founder and adventurer. Highlights of my career include building three startups from zero to exit (, StreamOn and working on Aux) and cycling – halfway – around the world in 2018. Subscribe for updates, blog posts and videos on my startup life and adventure travels.
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