My Ultimate Bike Packing and Cycle Touring Kit List – Public Spreadsheet

In my recent video series, I went through my kit list for short and long term cycle touring and bike packing trips. Watch the videos over on Youtube and below.

As I mentioned in the video, I’ve published my public kit list spreadsheet I used before leaving for the trip. It includes kit I purchased, the kit I skipped and kit I ended up dumping along the way. All in all, the less equipment you can carry the better.

Open: 📊 Ben Around the World – Public Gear List

Watch the videos on Youtube.


Hi, my name is Ben and I’m a startup founder and adventurer. Highlights of my career include building three startups from zero to exit (, StreamOn and working on Aux) and cycling – halfway – around the world in 2018. Subscribe for updates, blog posts and videos on my startup life and adventure travels.
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