Video: Flying Between the Flags – Dragon Hike and Fly 2024
Watch my first-hand experience of the Dragon Hike and Fly paragliding race in South East Wales in May 2024.
Upcoming Talk for the Southern Hang Gliding Club
Next month, on April 10th, I’ll be giving a talk on my round-the-world cycle and paragliding trip in 2018-29, details will be posted here shortly.
Talking the Future of Aux AI and the Start Up Process on the Sesamers Podcast
While I was out in Cannes for the the MIDEM conference this year, presenting LoopLM and Aux Sounds on the main stage, I sat down with Ben Costantini to record the Sesamers podcast: EPISODE SUMMARY Explore the journey of Ben Bowler, a musician turned tech innovator, who founded Aux to bridge the gap between music and technology.…
Speaking about the future of Aux on the Music Tectonics Podcast
In December I spoke about Aux Sounds, LoopLM and the future of Aux on the Music Tectonics podcast. Listen now: More ways to listen. Here’s the podcast blurb: Have we got a treat for you! We ran the Swimming with Narwhals Music Tech startup competition at the Music Tectonics conference back in October, and today,…
Aux Wins Music Tectonics Startup Competion – Judges Choice
I’ve been out in LA this week for the Music Tectonics conference, sharing some of the upcoming app features as part of the Narwhals startup competition. The Aux Hub app will be launching AI mastering and a sample library in the coming weeks! It was a tough competition with a range of interesting startups, judged…
Exciting News: Aux Wins Innovate UK Grant for Music Innovation! 🚀
My company Aux has just been awarded £50,000 in Innovate UK funding, as part of the Creative Catalyst 2023 grant from Innovate UK, to turbocharge our mission: developing generative AI tools that are going to take music creation to the next level! What’s This All About? We’re diving headfirst into a six-month project that builds on…
My First Paragliding Race – Dragon Hike and Fly 2023
In May 2023 I took part in my first paragliding hike and fly race, the Dragon Hike and Fly in
Aux: making AI work for musicians: Courier Magazine Feature
Reposted from my Courier Magazine feature. Even though musicians collaborate online as often – if not more so – than their corporate counterparts, they’ve been largely ignored by the software world. Musicians and producers make projects happen through a patchwork of apps – SoundCloud, WhatsApp, Dropbox – often leading to lost files, delayed projects and…
Aux Launches Connections AI – Part Funded by Innovate UK
We’ve been working away on something super exciting that we’ve implemented into the Aux app. Aux Connections AI automatically tags artists’ music projects with mood, genre and instrumentation. This data then builds a completely private profile of each artist which can then recommend new connections to collaborate with who have a similar style of music.…
Speaking at SCREENxSCREEN on Merch Stragies for Artists
I am speaking at SCREENxSCREEN online music + tech conference • FEB 7 – 9 2023. Please check out my talk if you’re attending the event! #SXS23 #SCREENxSCREEN #SXSmusictech.