Fighting off stress, overdue deadlines and sickness to ride out from Buckingham Palace. Read about it: https://benbowler.com/i-almost-didnt-make-start-line/ 🔊Music licensed
Converting my Dawes World tour bike from my weekend racing bike to my home for the next few years cycling
I’m Cycling Around the World!
Welcome to Ben Around the World. Each week I upload an instalment of my cycling, paragliding and digital nomading around
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 35 – 20th August 2018
ODO 3961 Location Oludeniz Weather 21-34 Humid by the coast My final campsite for this leg was the most stunning so far. A small forest track 1100m high overlooked a wide valley. The sun slipped in shafts through broken cloud picking out the blue crystal of a mosques minarets in a town laying in trees…
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 34 – 19th August 2018
ODO 3856km Location A mountainside on the track to Yaylapinar Weather 26-37 Overcast with showers starting at lunch After leaving college, moving down to London, taking up a job at a dance music company I wanted to learn how to have fun. My peers from high school were all in their first year of university.…
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 33 – 18th August 2018
ODO 3751km Location Pamukkale Weather 28-37 in the valley Turkey is a fractal. However large or small the terrain the surface of the earth roles in a wavelike undulation of grass or mud or trees. I started the day at 900m but gradually descended all day. It’s days like these where you feel like you’re…
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 32 – 17th August 2018
ODO 3658km Location Kayadamlar Weather 28-34 Clouds building in the distance There are some nights when I don’t feel like writing. Tonight is one. Although I made a good distance after a late start and my two night in the hotel, I still have the tail end of the shits. Throughout the day I feel…
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 31 – 16th August 2018
ODO 3581km Location Otel Çerkin Simav Weather 25-35 After a full nights sleep fed from the convenient store the night before I woke to a heavy dew fall. While the temperature gets to 37 in the afternoon the valleys get pretty cold by the morning. The road eased up and flattened into a busy highway…
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 30 – 14th August 2018
ODO 3551km Location Küloü Weather 25-37 Overnight I was a mess. I went to the toilet 3/4 times in the night and had no consistent sleep. From 9pm to 7am I lay on a thorn deflated air mattress listening to my intestines churn. By the morning I couldn’t even think of riding far. I pushed…
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 29 – 13th August 2018
ODO 3517km Location Just outside Kirkkavak Weather 22-34 Cooler at Altitude Today was the first day I felt like I didn’t want to continue. Things just weren’t fun anymore. I sipped my Dyraleaf mixture and pushed my bike to the road. My saddle sore pressed painfully against the leather of my seat. Throughout the day…