Tag: Istanbul
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 30 – 14th August 2018
ODO 3551km Location Küloü Weather 25-37 Overnight I was a mess. I went to the toilet 3/4 times in the night and had no consistent sleep. From 9pm to 7am I lay on a thorn deflated air mattress listening to my intestines churn. By the morning I couldn’t even think of riding far. I pushed…
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 28 – 12th August 2018
ODO 3443km Location Mine south of Bursa Weather 26-36 Clear Istanbul was moody and hot as I left the hostel at 6:45am. Low grey cloud hung over the fishing district. Deciding to rain before changing its mind and blowing out over the Bosporus. The ferry was supposed to leave at 7:30am so I arrived ready…
Ben Around the World Diary – Day 27 – 9th August 2018
ODO 3366km Location Istanbul Weather 22-28 with 30/40kmh gusts of wind and clouds Despite our best efforts we had a big day left on to make it to Istanbul. We left nice and early after changing Jelle’s back inner tube. His bag packing had become really quick over the days we’d rode together. Over the…