Category: Ben Around the World
Ben Around the World Diary – 23rd May 2018
ODO 493km Location Kermt ,Belgium Weather 12-24 stormy showers and noodle overcast Feelings Calm but tired [post_gallery] I’ve reached the hump day in the trip where I usually feel the most tired. My cold is showing signs of ending but hay fever is on full. I started the day with Mit who invited me to…
Ben Around the World Diary – 22nd May 2018
ODO 357km Weather 14-28 Sunny all day with storm building over Ghent Location Ghent, Belgium Feelings Tired and blocked up. Calm. Yesterday after getting off the ferry I was in heaven. Riding down the steep metal ramp and out into silent French back streets. Forgetting briefly which side of the road I should now be…
Ben Around the World Diary – 21th May 2018
Location Canterbury Feelings Sick and Sad After several weeks of stress and worry, working on three projects, taking exams, my farewell event at Look Mum No Hands, my 100km ride out completed with a stinking cold, I finally have a chance to feel sad. Alone for the first time. Becca and Chris left to get…
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Why I’m Cycling Around the World
For my 16th birthday – around the same time I made the transition from long haired drummer in bands to the digital introspection of a computer nerd – I got a gift from my dad. Reynolds 531 steel tubes. Arranged by Castle Bromwich craftsmen. Lines, bolts and welds right from the metal skin of a…
Volcano Flying – Bali!
On the way back from a conference I dropped by Bali in Indonesia with my glider on the suggestion of