Category: Founder of Chew
Investor Updates, Hyperpersonal Communication and Telegraphy
TL;DR Vote up my latest project on Betalist, ta! Technology today is isolating right? Everyone is sitting on their phones swiping and scrolling. Headphones on. Avoiding eye contact. Wrong. Technology gives us more ways to communicate, more people to speak with, from more cities, cultures and countries than has ever been possible in history. Not personal.…
NY:LON Connect and Music Startup Positivity. – The New Wave of Inventive Music Startups
A couple of weeks ago I was on a panel discussing investment in music startups as part of MusicAlly’s NY:LON Connect event as Reed Smith in London. A few months before at the BBC Future of Music conference Rorri Keflan-Jones painted a picture of a startups disappearing left right and venture. This panel took a…
Moving On From Chew
It started back in 2011. I was sitting in the Google office, just off Tottenham Court Road, getting a briefing on the upcoming changes to YouTube. Searching through a bunch of names and URLs, I registered — a broader name for – the site I started earlier that year to feed its users a “tasty…
Speaking at Next Radio Conference: How the Radio Audience Became Broadcasters
After I landed from my Chewhiker trip at the beginning of the year I sat down with Matt Deegan at Fix 126 – one of my favourite coffee shops to take time out of the office. We began talking about the NextRadio conference and I noted what I’d begun to notice while speaking to users…
BEC Conference – Stream Work Makes the Dream Work
This week I was invited to speak at the inaugural Beats Evolution conference. One of a few recent upstart events. BEC focusses on the Drum and Bass industry. Coming a few months after Beatport announced that drum and bass as a genre had recently moved four points to the fifth most popular genre on the…
Livelist Interview: Ben Bowler of Chew.TV
LiveList are an application that lets you subscribe to your favourite artists and see them perform live regardless of where that stream is hosted. Key shows on Chew have been showing up in the LiveList app and on the website for a month or two now so I spoke to Sam Jourdan about the origins…
Chewhiker – Exploring The Bay
During February and March 2016 I’m traveling North America to meet the Chew community, DJs, partners and investors. This is part one of my updates on meeting and staying with top Chew fans and DJs. For updates on investor, brand and partner meetings throughout the trip subscribe the the Chew Insider newsletter using the form…
Chewhiker – Tacos in Los Angeles
During February and March 2016 I’m traveling North America to meet the Chew community, DJs, partners and investors. This is part one of my updates on meeting and staying with top Chew fans and DJs. For updates on investor, brand and partner meetings throughout the trip subscribe the the Chew Insider newsletter using the form…
Why I think it’s imporant to DJ at a DJ Startup
When I visited the Splice tech office just of Venice beach, I loved the fact that every person on every desk had their own little music production setup. With one foot in the startup world and two feet in music there are definitely some hard aspects of our choice of industry. The benefit is the fact…
I’m traveling North America 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 to meet, mix and live stream with the Chew the community. Want me to come to your city?
TL;DR — I’m traveling North America to meet, mix and live stream with DJ’s, producers and personalities that make Chew the community. Want me to come to your city? Email me now! A couple of weeks ago Paul Smith announced he would be stepped down as CEO of Ignite, the accelerator program that helped Chew become what…