Month: July 2019
DJ Dan Formless Runs Through His Software Set Up for Syncing with iTunes, rekordbox and Mixed In Key
Dan gives away his secrets on syncing iTunes with recordbox and MixedInKey. Audio for Mac simplifies this process: <a href="" target="_blank"
USB Free – Ben Around the World Podcast – Episode 10 – Live from HQ Barcelona
Dan and I are both in Barcelona for Sonar festival and meet up for the first in-person podcast, episode 10,
7 Startups Challenge
One thing that you learn by cycling around the world is how many hours there are in a day. As I was sit in the saddle for 8, 10, 12 hours, the world passing by pedal turn by pedal turn, I came to the realisation: I can really do anything. Anything, given the time. I’ve…
Audio on Producthunt
Audio launched on Producthunt this morning! Upvote and comment appreciated!
My New Startup: Audio for Mac – Now on Kickstarter
Back my new project: A few months ago, I started building a music management app. As a
iTunes is Dead: Introducing Audio for Mac on Kickstarter
A few weeks ago at the WWDC conference, Apple announced they are killing iTunes in the next release of MacOS Catalina. If you’re a serious music collector or industry professional like me you’ve long seen the demise of iTunes coming. At the same time, the independent software community around the Mac and iOS devices has…